Monday, April 11, 2011

Biked instead of walked

I went to the apartment complex's "gym" to work out, and saw that the treadmill was busy. But, did I turn around and go back to the apartment? NO! Instead, I decided to bike! It was interesting, since I haven't ridden a bicycle since ... I don't know how long. I biked for a half-hour, about 7.8 miles. Yay me!
Of course, I'm going to add this mileage to my goal. I know my goal says WALKING 100 miles in 8 weeks, but miles are miles, right? For those who are gonna stick to the rules and are pledging, you don't have to count the 7.8 miles. But I really hope you do count these miles ... remember, I did the right thing and did some type of workout instead of just using the excuse that the treadmill was taken!
It was easier to bike, since my shoes weren't sliding against my heels. It actually hurt today to move around at work, so I think walking on the treadmill probably would've made it worse. Bonus!
Anyway, keep checking the blog for more funny stories. If you want to give tips, ideas, on how to have a better workout (for someone who hasn't worked out in YEARS), or just give support and motivation, please leave comments.
I know that some of you are trying to make fixed donations to Peak 4 Poverty, and Paypal isn't working on this page. I've let P4P know about this problem, and hopefully they will fix it soon. I will let you know when it is fixed. Until then, hold on to your money, or even add more to the donation!
Good night for now, and hope that you keep these children in your thoughts and prayers, as well as me (for not dying from the workouts!)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First day!

Ok so today was the first day that I started the walk. I wish I could tell you that I walked like 5 miles today, but so far I only walked 1/2 a mile. It wasn't that I couldn't do more. I was ready to walk for another 1/2 hour on the treadmill, but my shoe was digging into my heel, and it started to become painful. I've worn these shoes before, at work, but I never worked out with them. So now I'm waiting for my heel to stop throbbing before I attempt to work out again.
I weighed myself before I started walking, and wow ... so now I have a baseline weight, and hope to lose some of it when the eight weeks are over.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you keep supporting me and encouraging me to finish this goal, and help the orphans in Tanzania!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time to start!

I guess I've put this off long enough ... I have to start! So, this Sunday I will start walking for Peak 4 Poverty. My goal is 100 miles in 8 weeks, and I hope you all will support me emotionally and financially.
Yes, I'm asking for money. If you pledge a certain amount per mile, or give a donation now, you'll be helping children in East Africa get out of the vicious cycle of AIDS and poverty. Seriously, if you haven't watched The Constant Gardner, you should go rent it or watch it online.
Anyway, please join me in this adventure. If you tell me what your pledge is, if you choose to donate based on the miles I walk, I will keep track for you. Also, I hope you encourage me to keep this up. As those who are not exercise fanatics know, trying to exercise when you are out of shape is NOT easy.
So, hope you open your hearts and wallets to help these wonderful kids have better lives. Plus, you get to laugh at me while I *try* to get into better shape. This will be so worth it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

starting at a later date

I have postponed my start time for this project, in light of what has happened in Japan. Right now, people's hearts go out to the Japanese, and will not give Peak 4 Poverty the attention and support this organization deserves. So, I'm going to pray for the Japanese, that they will get over this tragedy, and come back stronger than ever.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My First Blog.....

Hello! Thanks for visiting! Let me tell you a little about this blog. This is for a nonprofit organization called Peak 4 Poverty. P4P provides funding and supplies to orphanages in Tanzania, so the children can get an education, and get out of the vicious cycle of HIV and poverty. You should check out their site when you can.
I have personally seen the poverty and living conditions in East Africa, and NO ONE SHOULD LIVE LIKE THAT. For those who have never seen poverty at its lowest level, you should see The Constant Gardener with Rachel Weicz. Please help these kids out.
I am hoping to earn money by walking. My goal is to raise $500, but will be ecstatic if I am able to raise more. I will admit that I haven't exercised in a while, so this is a personal challenge as well, as I get in better shape. I ask all of my supporters to donate at least 25 cents for every mile that I walk; however, I do understand that sometimes it is not feasible to donate so much. In that case, if you are able to donate just 5 cents per mile, you will be able to fund at least 1 child's education, and get them out of the world of HIV, and poverty.
Right now, the site is only able to handle fixed donations. However, if you commit to donating a certain amount per mile, I will keep track for you. You will also be able to keep track through the meter on the right.
I have been blessed with a lot of things in my life, and it is time that I give back. Would you please help me? Thanks you!!